Izzy Interviewed on TV
Published on October 23, 2006
For those of you interested in seeing a couple interviews with me, I thought I'd post links.
The first link is to a television show called "Torrent" formerly hosted by Amber MacArthur, now hosted by Matt Harris (who's doing a great job filling those large shoes). Matt interviewed me at the Podcast Expo a few weeks ago. You can see the interview here. It's the episode labeled TOR024.
Also, Andy and Sean from Labrats.tv did a short interview with me. They have an entertaining show with a wild sense of humor (let's just say that this episode ends with Andy taking off his pants), and I was flattered that they pulled me aside for this interview. Here is a link to the episode.
Thank you, Matt, Andy, and Sean for the interviews.
Incidentally, thank you, Craig Syverson for recommending Izzy Video in your interview.
My thoughts after watching the interviews? I need to start working out, and I smile way too much! :-)
This article was last updated on October 23, 2006
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